Dental nitrous oxide in Naperville is known to be the mildest form of sedation available and is safe for both children and adults. Dentists often provide it as a way to calm the fears of those who struggle to keep their appointments because of fear or anxiety. If you are one of these individuals who needs help when it comes to seeing your dentist for treatment, you may wonder if you’re a good candidate to receive it. Read on to learn the facts about nitrous oxide before making your decision.
Fact #1: It’s Called “Laughing Gas” For a Reason.
Although dentists refer to it as nitrous oxide, patients know it by a more popular name – laughing gas. Its effects can produce giggles among some individuals, but more commonly, it simply creates a relaxing and carefree sensation.
This allows dentists to work more efficiently since they don’t have to spend their time trying to calm patients down or help them sit still.
Fact #2: Nitrous Oxide is Completely Safe.
As long as nitrous oxide is administered by a trained professional, it is completely safe to use. In fact, children and adults can both receive this type of sedation and experience virtually no ill side effects.
The only possible concern that comes from receiving nitrous oxide is feeling a bit disoriented after the mask is removed. This is why it’s recommended that patients remain seated for a few minutes while breathing in pure oxygen. This will help the effects to dissipate much quicker so that normal activity can occur after the appointment.
Fact #3: Nitrous Oxide is Not Designed to Put Patients to Sleep.
While under nitrous oxide sedation, a patient should not expect to be “put to sleep.” It’s possible for an individual to doze off during their appointment, but the dental team should be able to gently nudge them awake if necessary.
One of the added benefits of nitrous oxide is that it does not cause grogginess after treatment is complete. Instead, a person will begin to feel normal after a few minutes.
Fact #4: Nitrous Oxide is Not Appropriate For All Patients.
While safe for more patients, nitrous oxide may not be the right option for some individuals. These include those with an allergy to the medication that is used as well as someone with a respiratory illness. Also, those with mental health illnesses or vitamin B-12 deficiencies should not receive nitrous oxide because of the potentially harmful long-term effects that can occur.
Nitrous oxide can be a game-changer for patients who need a bit of extra help when visiting the dentist’s office. If you think you might benefit from its effects, don’t hesitate to ask about it at your next appointment.
About Grand Dental – Naperville
At Grand Dental – Naperville, sedation dentistry is a popular solution for many nervous patients. Since our esteemed dentists treat both children and adults, we can use nitrous oxide to create more relaxed dental visits, allowing everyone to enjoy a more positive experience. If you are curious whether you can receive nitrous oxide, visit our website or call us at (630) 576-9970.