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Grand Dental - Naperville Blog

Putting These 3 BOTOX Myths to Rest

May 13, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — grandnaperville @ 5:42 pm
woman receiving BOTOX

Millions of people have used BOTOX to eliminate fine lines and wrinkles. With the desire for a more youthful appearance on the minds of busy professionals, famous movie stars, and up-and-coming influencers, this type of treatment is becoming increasingly popular. But what about some of the myths that are commonly spread about BOTOX? Do they cause you to think twice about undergoing treatment? Before you assume the worst and decide to just accept these visible age lines, hear from a dentist who dispels three BOTOX myths.


The Starting Point for Cosmetic Dentistry: When Did It Begin?

April 16, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — grandnaperville @ 6:08 pm
a woman pointing at her new and improved smile

With technology rapidly advancing, people all over the world are turning to cosmetic dentistry to help improve their appearance. With immediate access to talk to and “influence” others across the globe, a person’s smile is a valuable asset – one that can make a good or bad first impression. But while today’s innovations leave the idea that veneers, teeth whitening, and other similar services are something new, they’re not. In fact, their origins date back thousands of years. Keep reading to find out where it all started.


Extend Your Results: Foods to Eat If You Want to Maintain Your Whiter Smile

March 11, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — grandnaperville @ 4:32 pm
a woman eating a bowl of yogurt and fruit

Professional teeth whitening is known to produce beautiful results. Not only are the physical benefits evident, but the mental and emotional side of dental treatment can be equally satisfying. However, the one unfortunate side of achieving a whiter smile is that it is not permanent. Touch-ups will be required if results are to be maintained. But what if there were certain foods you could eat that would help your teeth stay brighter longer? Keep reading to discover the kinds of snacks and meals that can help sustain your newer, more vibrant smile.


How a Brighter Smile Can Make a Difference This Valentine’s Day

February 1, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — grandnaperville @ 10:35 pm
woman with brighter teeth and smiling

Valentine’s Day is quickly approaching, and you’re excited about the potential for a successful date. Realizing that the person you’re meeting is someone you would like to get to know more, you want to make sure that a second date remains on the horizon as well. But how can you improve your chances? Keep reading to find out why a brighter smile can make a big difference in whether this special date will help or hinder your future love life.


Worth the Money? How Long Does Cosmetic Dentistry Last?

January 4, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — grandnaperville @ 4:45 pm
a woman on the beach showing off smile

Cosmetic dentistry is becoming increasingly popular among both younger and older individuals. Not only does it allow for a more uniform, beautiful smile, but it also creates greater confidence, which can also have a positive impact on one’s mental and emotional health. But how long do results usually last? Is it worth the investment in time and money? In this article, you will discover why you won’t regret seeking cosmetic dental treatments from a trusted professional.


Avoiding a Crisis: 3 Ways to Prevent a Dental Emergency

December 20, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — grandnaperville @ 9:10 pm
woman with a dental emergency

Dental injuries can occur when you least expect them. Whether it is while on a walk with friends or preparing to enjoy a meal with family, a sudden sharp pain or accidental fall can have you making your way toward your dentist’s office for help. But what if there were things you could do to safeguard your pearly whites? There is! If you want to learn how to prevent a dental emergency, here are three tips to help.


What Should You Do When Chipping a Tooth?

November 2, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — grandnaperville @ 10:10 pm
a chipped tooth

A chipped tooth is a common dental emergency. Although this type of injury does not usually require same-day treatment, it’s important to seek professional help within a few days of the accident. But what should a person do while waiting for an appointment? Can the damage worsen? Keep reading to find out what steps to take to avoid additional harm while waiting to see an emergency dentist.


Don’t Panic! What You Should Do if Your Child Knocks Out a Tooth

October 20, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — grandnaperville @ 4:17 am
little kid with a missing tooth

Children are always on the go. Whether it’s playing sports or riding their bike around the neighborhood, getting them to sit still for very long can feel impossible. As a result of their on-the-go nature, you may suddenly find yourself with a panicked child who has a knocked-out tooth. Before you, too, allow your emotions to follow suit, keep reading to discover how to handle the problem at home before getting them to an emergency dentist for help.


What Kind of Changes Have Dentures Gone Through Over the Years?

September 14, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — grandnaperville @ 9:32 pm
a full set of dentures

Dentures have come a long way. The way they’re made, the materials used to create them, and their lifespan all just a few of the many aspects that are drastically different than the prosthetics created by our early ancestors. Whether you wear dentures or not, you might find it interesting to learn how dentures have changed over time to become what they are today.


What is Causing Your Lower Denture to No Longer Stay in Place?

August 9, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — grandnaperville @ 6:15 pm
person holding a lower denture

Do you struggle with your lower denture? If so, do not be alarmed, as many patients find it harder to keep these teeth in place. Although denture adhesive can help to keep it stable at times, certain situations can arise that cause these teeth to shift. So why won’t your lower denture stay in place? Keep reading to find out the cause and what you can do to address the problem and ensure a more comfortable and stable smile.

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