Dentures in Naperville are known to be one of the most popular methods of tooth replacement available. At Grand Dental – Naperville, our team of experts is here to deliver natural-looking prosthetics that fit comfortably and provide optimal functionality. When patients arrive with two or more missing teeth, full or partial dentures can help them regain their confidence while admiring their new aesthetics. Individuals who want to say goodbye to the gaps are welcome to call our office to schedule an appointment.
Incomplete arches make it difficult for patients to eat, speak, and smile with ease. This is why those who are missing multiple teeth or entire rows are welcome to undergo a thorough consultation to determine if they are candidates for dentures. Whether it is full or partial prosthetics, these artificial teeth can help to bring back what was lost, allowing for improved functionality when eating or speaking with others.
Patients with only a few missing teeth may find it helpful to choose partial dentures, whereas those without any remaining teeth can turn to full dentures for an improved appearance.
The physical repercussions of missing teeth can include difficulty eating and slurred speech; however, an incomplete smile can do more than affect the visual components of day-to-day life. It can also cause a decline in emotional and mental stability, as many people suffer from low self-esteem and a lack of desire to care for themselves.
Poor oral hygiene, depression, and missing opportunities are all potential effects that can worsen over time if proper treatment is not provided.
At Grand Dental – Naperville, we are pleased to have an in-house periodontist who is skilled in delivering highly effective solutions that look natural and feel great. We do require a scheduled consultation with each patient to ensure they are in good overall health for dentures. While these custom prosthetics do not require any surgical procedures, it is a timely process that requires enough jawbone stability to support a full or partial denture.
We will determine if a person has a stable oral environment for dentures or whether they need preliminary treatments first (i.e., gum disease treatment, bone grafting).
It may be that our team does not recommend a full or partial denture. Depending on the severity of tooth loss and a patient’s preference, we may suggest a dental bridge or dental implants.
The process your dentures go through to be fabricated is extensive. At Grand Dental – Naperville, we want you to understand what it takes to create these custom sets of teeth so that you know how to properly care for them and why it’s important to be careful with your new smile so that it will last longer. Below, we have outlined some basic information about the denture creation process. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our office.
To start, there are two parts of a denture – the base and its artificial teeth. Depending on how many teeth you are missing, you may either need a full or partial denture. Either way, both consist of the same gum-colored base and natural-looking teeth.
No two dentures are exactly the same, as what a patient needs will look very different as opposed to someone else. To start, your dentist will take impressions of your mouth and send them to a dental lab for creation.
Once the model is placed into an articulator that looks similar to the jawbone, artificial teeth are put into their appropriate places. A wax version is then returned to the dental office so that you can undergo a fitting. If everything looks right, it will be sent back to the lab, where the dentures are placed into a flask, and plaster is poured in to create the shape of the dentures. After melting the wax off the plaster mold, small holes are created so that acrylic can be injected into the flask.
After removing the plaster, the dentures are placed into an ultrasonic bath so that any excess plaster is removed. A lab technician will then cut away any additional acrylic before giving them a final polish.
Discomfort is not an uncommon feeling when receiving your dentures for the first time. Your mouth needs time to adjust properly, so we advise that you wear your dentures around the clock for the first few days. Do not be surprised if a minor lisp also forms, as your tongue, teeth, and cheeks need time to get used to speaking and eating correctly. By practicing your words and phrases at home and eating softer foods more slowly, you will begin to see a dramatic difference in your ability to use your new smile more effectively.
While full and partial dentures are just two of the traditional tooth replacement solutions, there is also the option for patients to choose implant dentures
Made to mimic the natural gum color, partial dentures are made out of acrylic and possess metal clasps to help hold them in place. Artificial teeth are placed on top of the gum-colored base, filling in the gaps of a patient’s missing teeth. The metal clasps attach to healthy teeth so that individuals can eat without worry and speak with greater clarity.
Made in the same way as partial dentures, complete prosthetics do not require metal clasps but instead, rely on a patient’s natural suction and the use of denture adhesive to hold them in place. Artificial teeth are positioned on top of the acrylic base, mimicking the natural-looking appearance of a person’s smile. When placed, a person can begin to experience an improved functioning day in and day out.
The most expensive and popular option is implant dentures. Instead of using natural healthy teeth or a person’s natural suction to remain in place, these prosthetics attach to titanium posts that are surgically placed within the jawbone. After several months of allowing the bone and post to fuse, a strong foundation forms and adequately supports the customized prosthetic that is secured on top.
Dentures provide patients with an array of benefits. When meeting with a dentist in Naperville, there is a good chance many of these advantages will be discussed:
Determining the cost of dentures in Naperville requires a scheduled visit to our dental practice. At Grand Dental – Naperville, our team of experts will sit down to discuss the type of denture you will receive as well as any preliminary care that you might need to ensure the stability of your smile. Based on our findings and additional components of care, we’ll create a cost estimate that you can review and use to prepare for the financial requirement associated with treatment.
A scheduled consultation will be necessary to provide a complete and thorough estimate for your care. When developing a breakdown of expected expenses, you can expect that we will consider how many teeth you are missing, the type of denture you will receive (i.e., partial, full, or implant), the type of materials used to create your new smile, and if you need bone grafting, periodontal therapy, or another form of preliminary treatment before receiving dentures.
Many practices build their dentures using cheaper materials. Although this may be easier on your wallet in the beginning, it will likely cost you in the long run simply because of the amount of money you’ll spend to replace your teeth every few years.
Implant dentures are a worthwhile investment if you prefer a more permanent solution. Popular among many individuals who have suffered tooth loss, these permanent prosthetics make it possible to live life with teeth that do not slip or fall out when eating or speaking. Instead, they offer optimal stability and durability that adequately supports customized restorations, one of which is a full denture. While they are more expensive up front, they are proven to be more cost-effective in the long run, as you will not need to purchase denture adhesive or receive regular replacements or relines.
You will find that when reviewing your dental insurance policy, most offer partial coverage of at least 50%. This is because dentures are viewed as a medical necessity, as you need them to ensure better oral and overall health. When it comes to using your insurance to pay for treatment, our team will fill out the necessary paperwork and claims forms to minimize any stress you might feel when it comes to the financial side of dental care.
Even if you do not have private dental insurance to help pay for your dentures, we can provide two different options for payment: CareCredit or our in-house membership plan. Whether you choose to finance and pay off your treatment over time or enroll in our Grand Advantage Plan that offers discounts on available services, we can make sure you save the most money on your new smile.
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