As a parent, there are probably few things you love to see more than your child’s smile. Unfortunately, young teeth are as vulnerable as they are precious, being susceptible to decay and injury. Any tooth that has been damaged in some way – even a baby tooth that will eventually fall out – should be salvaged and repaired if possible to protect the overall wellbeing of your child’s smile. Call Grand Dental – Naperville today to learn more about our age-appropriate restorative services.
Tooth decay is one of the most common chronic childhood diseases. To prevent it from growing worse, a filling can be placed in order to replace the dental structure that has been lost and prevent harmful bacteria from reaching the pulp at the center of the tooth (which could cause toothaches and other issues). Today, tooth-colored fillings are heavily favored over metal ones. Aside from the obvious aesthetic advantages, tooth-colored fillings are made out of a material that joins directly with the tooth enamel. This means we don’t have to remove parts of the dental structure to hold the filling in place, and as a result more of your child’s natural smile is preserved.
Pulp therapy is a procedure where the dental pulp containing the tooth’s nerves and blood vessels is either partially or fully removed. (A partial removal is a pulpotomy, and a full removal is a pulpectomy.) Oftentimes getting rid of the pulp is the only way to stop the spread of an infection that could eventually compromise the entire tooth. If you see any signs that your child is suffering from a tooth infection – such as chronic pain – you should have it treated immediately; waiting too long could run the risk of needing an extraction.
Sometimes teeth are too extensively decayed or damaged for a filling, but salvaging them might still be possible with a dental crown. These tooth-shaped caps help prevent further damage, and they give the teeth additional strength so that they can still safely be used to bite and chew. Also, with the protection of a crown, your child’s teeth won’t be as vulnerable to attack by bacteria, and any tooth sensitivity they’ve been experiencing should be significantly reduced.
When it comes to the type of crown your child should get, the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry will typically suggest stainless steel. Compared to other types of crowns, stainless steel is not only highly successful, but it’s also durable and affordable as well. We usually use this type of restoration to repair damaged baby teeth, protect teeth after root canal therapy has been performed, or cover cavities on multiple surfaces.
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