At Grand Dental – Naperville, our dentists and in-house periodontist are here to provide patients with a tooth replacement solution that doesn’t require frequent adjustments or consistent financial upkeep. Instead, with implant dentures, we can deliver a way for individuals experiencing tooth loss to enjoy life with a set of teeth that are permanent, long-lasting, and look and act just like regular teeth. If you are interested in learning whether you’re a candidate for this type of treatment, call our office today to schedule a consultation.
Implant dentures are a unique form of tooth replacement – the only kind that restores both the roots and crowns of missing teeth. Consisting of titanium, screw-like posts that are fitted within the jawbone to deliver continuous stimulation, they support a custom-made denture that is secured on top to recreate a new and improved smile.
Instead of relying on adhesives or clasps to hold your teeth in place, the implants work to keep your teeth from shifting or moving when talking, eating, or smiling.
When meeting with a member of our team to discuss your interest in implant dentures, you can expect us to go over the two options you can choose from:
A fixed/permanent implant denture is one that cannot be removed by anyone other than a skilled implant dentist. It is held in place using between 4 and 8 dental implants and requires that you have a dense jawbone so that your new smile will be adequately supported.
A removable implant denture is one that is similar to a traditional denture but instead of relying on natural suction, your teeth attach to implant posts within your jawbone. It usually requires fewer posts (between 2 and 5) and can be easily removed for cleaning.
No two implant patients are alike, so while the treatment plans will be different, the same four steps to achieve successful placement are required for each individual. You’ll begin by meeting with a member of our team for your initial consultation. This will involve a thorough examination of your oral and overall health as well as your jawbone density. We’ll use advanced technology to check for signs of gum disease, tooth decay, and bone loss and determine if preliminary treatment is required.
Once you are cleared for surgery, we will complete the entire process in-house so that you can remain with the same trusted professionals. We’ll administer anesthesia and place the appropriate number of implants into the jawbone for maximum support. After surgery is complete, you will return home and begin the recovery process. Although you may be able to go back to work after a few days, your mouth will still need plenty of time to heal. Osseointegration must be successful if your implants are to last. This means they need to fuse with your jawbone tissues to ensure a stable foundation for your new smile.
Once this process is complete, which can take between 3-6 months, you’ll have your metal abutments attached to your implants so that your new restoration will remain firmly in place.
The final step of treatment is receiving your custom denture, which we will make sure looks natural and feels comfortable once it is attached.
There is a good chance that you will be considered a good candidate for implant dentures if you:
Even if we find issues before moving forward with dental implants, we can make sure that you get the treatment you need so that a longer-lasting smile awaits you in the future.
Implant dentures are highly versatile, especially since you can choose between a fixed or removable denture. By combining these two methods of tooth replacement, you’ll find there are many great advantages, such as:
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