You might think that snoring is just a harmless yet annoying habit, but it can indicate that you’re not breathing correctly at night. In some people, it could be the first sign of a serious disorder called sleep apnea. On the bright side, our doctors at Grand Dental – Naperville are trained to recognize sleep apnea symptoms and can provide custom oral appliances for sleep apnea treatment in our Naperville, IL dental office to help you enjoy a good night’s sleep again.
First and foremost, sleep apnea disrupts your sleep. When your airway gets blocked, your body wakes you up with a gasp – even though you may not be aware of these episodes. This pattern of snoring, cessation of breathing, waking, and gasping can happen dozens, perhaps hundreds, of times a night, depriving you of oxygen and restful sleep.
One of the most common sleep apnea symptoms, chronic fatigue, can be dangerous to other people as well as yourself. For example, a constantly tired person is in danger of falling asleep at the wheel and causing a car accident.
Besides chronic fatigue, sleep apnea has been linked to several serious health conditions, including:
While loud snoring is a common symptom, look out for the following:
If you or your partner is experiencing any of these symptoms, contact us right away.
If necessary, we can work with your primary care doctor to obtain a sleep study. Oftentimes, our first course of action will be to prescribe a CPAP machine that delivers a steady stream of air into your mouth and nose to keep your airway open. However, many patients have trouble with these bulky, noisy devices. As an alternative, we can make a custom oral appliance that fits in your mouth like a nightguards to gently reposition your mouth in such a way that opens the airway and let you get a restful night of shut-eye.